Federal Law No. 12,527, of November 18, 2011, establishes the transparency guidelines of public agencies and regulates the right of every citizen to access information, allowing them to monitor the administration of public resources.
To comply with the law, the "Sistema Eletrônico de Informação ao Cidadão (e-SIC)" was created, in which requests for data and information can be made electronically to the City Hall of Cruz / CE.
Read the full Access to Information Act, click here.
To comply with the law, the "Sistema Eletrônico de Informação ao Cidadão (e-SIC)" was created, in which requests for data and information can be made electronically to the City Hall of Cruz / CE.
Read the full Access to Information Act, click here.
Citizen Service
FACE-TO-FACE SERVICEControladoria e Ouvidoria Geral - Palácio MunicipalPraça dos 03 Poderes, SN - Aningas - Cruz/CE
OMBUDSMANAlesson Arantes Silveira
TELEPHONE88 3660.1277 - (Ext 206)
OPENING HOURSMonday to Friday - 08:00 to 12:00 - 13:30 to 17:30
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